Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"10 cents per pile"

I'm not sure how old Lar and I are, but we were at my grandmas house and they gave us a dime for each pile of horse doo doo, we took this very seriously as you can see by the look on Larisa's face, and we thought we were pretty cool, as you can see by the look on my face.After we got about $3.00 we walked about 2 miles to the speedway grocery. It didn't turn out to be such a fun walk after all, and we called to get a ride home to no avail.


Anonymous said...

Ok, that is the best yet. Love that post... Kills me. Love the faces, the 10 cents, the speedway and the lack of a ride home... Good times. you must be having a blast putting that album together!

Do the Puyallup said...

Hey is that "Blossom" I'm scoopin poop with?

Living the Dream said...

good times, why didn't you crazy cowgirl's just ride your horse's to the store?

Do the Puyallup said...

We did not want to ride horses to the store because as you can see, I was wearing my sweet disco boots, and Mich was wearing her Kenny's kicks and they are just not meant to ride!